Equilibrium between women and men
Project reacts to discrimination of women in their access to decision-making and to inadequate reflection of their needs (gender mainstreaming). The project will explore link between both problems. Global aim: system change based on research, awareness raising and cooperation with the stakeholders.
The project finished at the end of August 2016.
Realization: July 2014 – April 2016 (August 2016)
Donor: Norway Grants/OSF Praha
Coordinator: Halka Jaklová
- direct support to women in decision-making (networking, mentoring, female experts database)
- analyses and research (public opinion survey, qualitative and quantitative research in the field of women in decision-making, analysing political parties and local municipalities from a gender perspective)
- international experience exchange and know-how sharing (international expert seminar focused on political mentoring for women, informing about promoting gender equality in Nordic countries, international mentoring for female politicians, study visit)
- awareness raising in the field of women in decision-making (conference about gender quotas in politics, publicizing, youth information campaign, lawmaking monitoring, preparing and disseminating publications)
- cooperation with stakeholders (work within government advisory bodies, cooperation with political parties, local municipalities and men; advocacy)
- gender mainstreaming in practice (current situation analysis, practical implementation of tools and measures, gender mainstreaming toolkit)
The project results:
- succesfull mentoring programme developed the cooperation between the female politicians and other active women, mutual cooperation continues even after the project has finished, the programme was awarded by European Institute for Gender Equality as a good practice
- female politicians and women in decision making were promoted by the female experts database, interviews and articles on our website
- the project contributed to eliminating gender stereotypes and to the awareness raising in the field of women in decision-makingprojektové
- the analyses and research helped to map new issues in the field of women´s political participation
- international activities contributed to the sharing of good practice and the knowledge exchange
- the support of the equal political representation by the stakeholders was increased
- the cooperation with 3 municipalities on implementing gender mainstreaming has started
The project outputs:
- Více žen - jiná politika?
- Sólo pro soprán
- Ženy a muži ve městech a obcích aneb co je to gender mainstreaming
- Ženy a muži ve společnosti a rozhodování
- Kvóty a další opatření pro vyšší zastoupení žen v politice
- Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů ve městech a obcích: Jak začít?
- Ženy a muži v rovnováze
- Analýza zastoupení žen ve vedení měst a obcí po volbách v roce 2014
- Databáze starostek
- Postoje české veřejnosti k politice, politické angažovanosti a ženám v politice
Other outputs:
- all media outputs, articles, interviews, blogs etc. can be found on the bottom of this site
Severská obchodní komora v ČR Sociologický ústav AV ČR, Svaz měst a obcí ČR
The Project is being supported by the Open Society Fund Prague from the Let’s Give (Wo)men a Chance programme, financed from Norway Grants. Norway contributes towards a reduction in economic and social disparity and the strengthening of mutual cooperation in Europe. It promotes, above all else, environmental protection, research and scholarships, civil society development, health care, children, gender equality and an improvement in the efficiency of justice. The Let’s Give Women a Chance programme promotes equal opportunities for women and men both in their work and personal lives as well as prevention and help for victims of domestic and gender-based violence in the Czech Republic. It is operated by the Open Society Fund Prague, which has been developing values of open society and democracy in the Czech Republic since 1992.
The mentoring program is beeing supported also from Embassy of Denmark in Prague.
Mezinárodní mentoring - cesta do Norska (fotek: 5)
Český mentoringový program 2/2015 (fotek: 19)
Seminář o kvótách a mentoringový program (fotek: 12)
Mentoringový seminář září 2014 (fotek: 6)
Souvisí v aktualitách
- Feministky v malé zemičce mají velké cíle
- Ženy řídí chlapskou společnost za polárním kruhem
- Anna Chlebounová: československá poslankyně v šátku
- Rozhovor: Tanweer Ali - předseda správní rady Fóra 50 %
- Skandinávské policistky bojují proti obchodování se ženami
- Občané a občanky Mníšku hledali podobu předzámčí
- Lesbická politička chce změnit faerskou společnost
- Dotýká se uprchlictví rozdílně mužů a žen?
- Dánské muzeum žen je světová rarita
- Zdeňka Wiedermannová-Motyčková: neúnavná propagátorka vzdělávání žen
- Ženy ženám - seveřanky pomáhají migrantkám
- Pozvánka na konferenci Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů na úrovni měst a obcí
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