www.padesatprocent.cz › About Us

About Us

Forum 50% is a non-profit organization supporting equal participation of women and men in politics and in decision making. Although women comprise 50% of the population, their representation in politics is only 20% on average. We strive for more balanced decision making process including not only men’s but also women’s views and life experience.

We are a watchdog and a think tank. We convey new visions, approaches and proposals and help to bring them into practice. We motivate women to become politically active, support active female politicians and women in leading positions, co-operate with political parties and other bodies on concrete measures. Our guiding principle is to be non-partisan.

Our Achievements

  • We have initiated debate on representation of women in the Czech politics and in decision making.
  • We have created the most comprehensive source of information on this topic.
  • We have become respected partners in the Czech Republic and abroad.
  • We work in the advisory bodies of the Czech government and we provide expertise opinion to the media.
  • We have successfully realized over 70 projects, including international ones.
  • We were awarded the “Good practice NGO“ within the best NGO of 2013 Award (“Neziskovka roku 2013”)
  • We have co-founded the Czech Women's Congress.
  • Our former director Jana Smiggels Kavková became one of the "Women and Men Inspiring Europe" - the resource pool of prominent gender-sensitive experts nominated by EIGE
  • European Instiute for Gender Equality (EIGE) acknowledged our pilot international mentoring programme and training for prospective women MEPs in 2014 as a good practice

International Activities

We welcome international co-operation and good practice transfer with partners around the whole world. We offer more almost 20-year-experience in the area of promoting gender equality. We mainly focus on political participation of women from the expert perspective (analyses, researches, specialized lectures) as well as the activist perspective (direct support of women – campaigns, networking, mentoring, happenings). For further information see Projects and References.

If you are interested in co-operating with us, please do not hesitate to contact us at sticka(@)padesatprocent.cz.


Our Team

Markéta Kos Mottlová

Executive Director

mottlova(@)padesatprocent.cz, +420 774 411 151





Veronika Šprincová

Gender Expert, Project Manager, Lecturer

sprincova(@)padesatprocent.cz, +420 774 411 151




Barbora Štička

Deputy Director, Project Manager, Fundraiser

sticka(@)padesatprocent.cz,  +420 774 411 151




Board of Directors

  • Petra Kubálková (Chair)
  • Jana Smiggels Kavková
  • Jitka Poláková
  • Jan Bubeník
  • Petr Janyška
  • Ivo Bystřičan

Board of Trustees

  • Ondřej Horký Hlucháň (Chair)
  • Pavla Špondrová 
  • Renata Židlická