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The NGO AENAO was established in 2006 and is actively involved in the field of non- formal education by developing and implementing a number of projects to promote health and social issues, as well as contributing in the development of cognitive, emotional, and behavioural skills.

AENAO, aims to:
— Promote health by creating networks and implementing projects based on non-formal education and learning by experience methodology
— Undertake national and international collaboration with reliable agents, in order to exchange experience and best practices
— Design programs that encourage social cohesion, protect the human rights and respect the environment
— Empower women to take initiatives and improve their socio-economic status
— Empower young people, enhance and build their personal skills.
— Inform society on innovative programs and activities which are conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.
— Organize campaigns and initiatives that benefit the society

Contact Address:
ΑΕΝΑΟ: Αφ. Πούλιου 3, 54655, Κηφισιά , Θεσσαλονίκη
Τel.: 2310420489, 6947202318, 6932213757 fax: 2130998143
e-mail: amoutzia@auth.gr
web page: aenao.org